San Francisco Trivia Quiz: A Name In Full appendix
By Dave Schweisguth (email: dave at schweisguth dot org)
Last updated Mar. 17, 2025
This list includes every street in San Francisco which has the full name of
the person it commemorates. Namesakes (where known) and locations are given
for streets which are neither listed in Louis Lowenstein's Streets of
San Francisco, third edition, 1996, nor in the main article. Please
note that sources differ on whether some streets are called "street",
"alley", "way" etc.; the names given here are those used in map data
published by the San Francisco Department of Public Works.
Adolph Sutro Court. Named for the twenty-first mayor of San
Francisco. Near the top of Mt. Sutro, off Johnstone Drive.
Al Scoma Way. Named in 2001 for the owner of Scoma's Restaurant. On
Pier 47, the location of the restaurant, which is numbered 1965 for the
year it was founded.
Alice B. Toklas Place. Named for the companion of Gertrude Stein.
Formerly the 100 block of Myrtle Street. Immediately south of Geary
between Van Ness and Larkin.
Ambrose Bierce Street1
Annie Larsen Lane2, 3
Arelious Walker Drive. Named for the pastor and community activist.
Formerly Fitch Street (and the underwater blocks in India Basin shown
on DPW maps are still named Fitch, and Google Maps names the segment
between Palou and Thomas Avenues Fitch). At the eastern edge of the
Hunters Point and Bayview neighborhoods, in three segments separated by
the Hunter's Point Naval Reservation and Yosemite Slough.
Bernice Rodgers Way.
for a Rec & Parks Department employee who greatly expanding event
permitting. Connects John F. Kennedy Drive and Martin Luther King
Jr. Drive west of Chain of Lakes Drive.
Bertie Minor Lane2
Bill Walsh Way. Named in 2004 for the Giants coach. Formerly Giants
Drive. (Today's Giants Drive, to the west of Alice Griffith Apartments,
was constructed around 2017 as part of that project.) Separates
Candlestick Park from Gilman Playground.
Bob Kaufman Alley1
Bret Harte Terrace
Cesar Chavez Street
Charles J. Brenham Place.
See main article.
Cleo Rand Avenue. Named for the 1970's activist, a founder of the
Chocolate City youth program. Just outside the Hunters Point Naval
Colin P. Kelly Jr. Street.
See main article.
Corinne Woods Way. Named in 2020 for the Mission Creek houseboat
resident and activist in many development and parks projects on the
waterfront around Mission Bay. Formerly El Dorado Street. In Mission
Bay on the southeast side of Mission Creek.
Cyril Magnin Street
Daniel Burnham Court. Named for the Chicago architect and author of
the famous, although largely unimplemented, Burnham Plan for San
Francisco. Between Van Ness, Post, Franklin and Sutter.
Dashiell Hammett Street1
Dirk Dirksen Place. Named for the punk rock promoter and Mabuhay
Gardens emcee. Formerly Rowland Street. South of Broadway between
Kearny and Montgomery.
Donaldina Cameron Alley.3 Named in 2013 for the
Presbyterian missionary who rescued thousands of young women from
prostitution around the turn of the last century. Formerly Old
Chinatown Lane.
Don Chee Way. Named for the man who oversaw the building of the F
Market streetcar line. The southeastern border of Justin Herman
Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. Named for the physician, publisher
of the Sun-Reporter, and civil rights activist. The section of Polk
Street which adjoins City Hall.
Dr. Maya Angelou Lane. Named for the streetcar conductor, dancer
and writer. In Mission Bay between 3rd Street and Terry A. Francois
Dr. Tom Waddell Place. Named in 2014 for the founder of the
Gay Olympics. Formerly Lech Walesa Street (also a fully named
street). Renamed after Lech Walesa said that gay people should
not hold prominent political positions.
Earl Gage Jr. Street. Named in 2020 for San Francisco's first Black
firefighter. Formerly the westernmost block of Willow Street, between
Laguna and Buchanan.
Emma Claudina2, 3
Enid Ng Lim Alley.3 Named in 2013 for an active citizen
of Chinatown who worked on behalf of and then lived in the nearby On
Lok senior housing. Formerly Bartol Street.
Frank Norris Street1.
See main article.
Frida Kahlo Way. Named in 2018 for the artist. Formerly Phelan
Avenue. Phelan Avenue had been named for the successful Irish immigrant
James Phelan (1819-1892); it was renamed to erase the memory of his son
James D. (1861-1930), 25th mayor of San Francisco, U.S. Senator from
California, and white supremacist.
Gene Compton's Cafeteria Way.3 The 100 block of Taylor
Street. Named not for the individual, but for that block's location of
his chain of cafeterias, where transgender customers picketed and
rioted in 1966 when staff called the police on them.
Gene Friend Way. Named for the prominent San Francisco businessman
and philanthropist, not for the biotechnology which is the focus of the
UCSF Mission Bay campus where the street is located.
Harold 'Bud' Moose Lane.3 Named in 2013 for the builder
of the adjacent Hilton hotel. The 600 block of Merchant Street,
between Kearny and Montgomery Streets.
Helen Macintosh Lane.3 Namesake unknown. A one-lane
alley connecting 4th Street (between Folsom and Harrison) to Tandang
Sora Street.
Henry Adams Street
Herb Caen Way...3 Named, of course, for San Francisco's
beloved columnist. The Bay-side sidewalk of the Embarcadero. This is
the only street in San Francisco whose name, unabbreviated, doesn't end
in a letter.
Isadora Duncan Lane1
Jack Balestreri Way. Named for the Golden Gate Bridge concrete
worker who built the stairway that now bears his name, on Carolina
Street between 19th & 20th. He was the longest-surviving Golden
Gate Bridge worker until he died in 2012 at age 95.
Jack Kerouac Alley1
Jack London Alley1
Jack Micheline Alley. Named for the Beat-generation (but not, he
said, Beat) poet. Formerly Pardee Alley. West of Grant between Filbert
and Greenwich.
Jeff Adachi Way. Named in 2020 for the former San Francisco Public
Defender. The block of Gilbert Street between Bryant and Brannan
Streets, behind the Public Defender's office.
Joe Mazzola Place.3 Named in 1996 for the business
manager of Plumbers and Pipefitters' Union Local 38. The area in front
of 1621 Market Street, the Local 38 offices.
Joe Rosenthal Way.3 Named on Dec. 12, 2024, for the
Chronicle photographer, who took the famous photo of U.S. Marines
raising the flag on Iwo Jima in 1945. The block of Sutter Street
between Mason and Taylor.
John F. Kennedy Drive
John F. Shelley Drive. Listed in Lowenstein under "Shelley".
John Maher Street. Named for the founder of the Delancey Street
halfway house. Formerly Commerce Street. Between Front, Green, Battery
and Union.
John Muir Drive
José Sarria Court. Named for the drag queen and activist. The
stretch of 16th Street between Prosper and Pond Streets, near Market
Juan Bautista Circle
Junipero Serra Boulevard
Kenneth Rexroth Place1
Lottie Bennett Lane2
Mark Twain Lane1
Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive
Mathew Turner Square.3 Named for America's greatest
builder of sailing ships. In the St. Francis Square cooperative housing
project, between Laguna Street and Quickstep, Inca and Galilee Lanes.
The only fully-named map feature in St. Francis Square named for a
person; others, footnoted 2, are named for ships or boats.
Meghan Ray Lane.3 Named for a teacher at the St. Brendan
Parish School who died in 2022. A private path behind St. Brendan
Church, previously signed Bermudez Way, Madden Way and Warda
Metha Nelson2, 3
Milton I. Ross Street. According to the plaque in the median on
Jerrold at Toland, Mr. Ross was the head of the Produce Merchants
Negotiating Committee when the new produce terminal was built in 1963.
In the north Bayview northeast of the intersection mentioned.
Nancy Pelosi Drive. Named in 2012 for the San Francisco
congresswoman and Speaker of the House to honor her 25th year in
office. Formerly Middle Drive East. South of the California Academy of
Sciences in Golden Gate Park.
Nelson Rising Lane. Named for the then-CEO of Catellus Development
Corporation. Spans UCSF Mission Bay between Mission Bay Boulevard and
Gene Friend Way.
Oceania Vance2, 3
Officer James W. Bloesch Road.3 Named for a San
Francisco police officer who was accidentally shot and killed by
another officer at the police stables in Golden Gate Park in 1988. The
road that connects the stables and fly fishing ponds to John F. Kennedy
Peter Sammon Way.3 Named in 2003 for the 32-year pastor
of St. Teresa's Church. The stretch of 19th St. in front of his church,
between Connecticut and Missouri.
Peter Yorke Way.
See main article.
Randall Kline Alley. Named in 2023 for the founder of SFJAZZ. The
block of Linden Street between Franklin and Gough Streets, adjacent to
the SFJAZZ Center.
Reverend Cecil Williams Way. Named on August 18, 2013 for the
pastor of Glide Memorial Church. The block of Ellis Street next to the
church, between Taylor and Jones.
Richard Henry Dana Place1
Richard Manuli III Way.3 Named for the 24-year-old
resident of Martinez who died in a motorcycle accident in 2017. A
private street (actually a driveway) entirely within the Tanko Lighting
property at 220 Bayshore Boulevard.
Robert Kirk Lane
Rosa Parks Lane. Named for the civil rights activist. In the
Valencia Gardens public housing development, between Valencia,
Guerrero, 14th and 15th Streets.
Rose Pak's Way.3 Named in 2016 for the Chinatown
political gatekeeper, who always got hers. Formerly James Alley. Off
the south side of Jackson between Stone and Stockton. Numbered starting
at lucky 888.
Rosie Lee Lane
Sam Jordan's Way.3 Named in 2018 for the owner of Sam
Jordan's Bar and Grill, the oldest Black-owned bar in SF, located on
that block. The bar closed in 2019. The block of Galvez Street between
Phelps Avenue and Third Street.
Sergeant John V. Young Lane
Sister Vish-Knew Way. Named for a founder of the Sisters of
Perpetual Indulgence. Formerly Alert Alley. Between 15th, 16th, Dolores
and Landers Streets.
Terry A. Francois Boulevard
Thomas Mellon Drive and Circle
Thomas More Way
Timothy Pflueger Place. Named in 2008 for the architect of several
downtown skyscrapers and movie palaces throughout SF and elsewhere.
Formerly Chelsea Place. Off the south side of Bush between Stockton and
Powell, abutting Pflueger's 450 Sutter Street.
Tom Ryan Place. Named for the longtime San Francisco Fire Dept.
stationary engineer. A private street inside the SFFD's Treasure Island
Training Facility. The street sign can be seen through the gate on 10th
Street between Avenues M and N.
Toni Stone Crossing. Named in 2020 after the Negro League baseball
player. In Mission Bay between 3rd Street and Terry A. Francois
Tony Bennett Way.3 Named in 2018 for the singer who
introduced and continues to be associated with "I Left My Heart In San
Francisco". The block of Mason Street between California and Sacramento
Streets, site of the Fairmont Hotel, where Tony Bennett first sang that
Turk Murphy Lane. Named for the trad-jazz trombonist. Between
Broadway, Powell, Vallejo and Stockton.
Vernon Alley.3
See main article.
Vicha Ratanapakdee Way.3 Named for a Thai man who was
killed nearby on January 28, 2021. Formerly Sonora Lane.
Vicki Mar Lane.3 Named, delightfully, in 2014 for
transvestite performer Vicki Marlane. The 100 block of Turk
Walter U. Lum Place.
See main article.
Whitney Young Circle
Willie B. Kennedy Drive. Ms. Kennedy was a city supervisor from
1981 to 1996. South of Hudson Avenue on Hunter's Point Ridge.
Willie Mays Plaza.3 Named in 2000 for the Giants'
superstar player. The stretch of King Street in front of AT&T
Tandang Sora Street, between 3rd, 4th, Folsom and Harrison, is named for
the Filipina revolutionary Melchora Aquino, but does not bear her full
name; "Tandang Sora" is an epithet referring to her advanced age (84) at
the time of the Phillipine Revolution.
1Following a proposal by poet and founder of City Lights
Books Lawrence Ferlinghetti,
on January 25, 1988, twelve San Francisco streets or parts of streets were renamed for thirteen artists and writers.
Ten are listed above. Saroyan and Via Bufano were renamed for William
Saroyan (oddly omitting his given name, though Lowenstein and many other
sources incorrectly name the street in full) and Beniamino Bufano. Nobles
Alley in North Beach was to be renamed for Richard Brautigan, but the
residents of Nobles Alley objected. Ferlinghetti got his own street, Via
Ferlinghetti, in 1994, but, like Saroyan and Bufano, didn't get a place
on this list.
2All of these streets in the St. Francis Square cooperative
housing project, which was founded by the ILWU, are named not after
people, but ships or boats which were themselves named after people. Two
of these streets are official city streets, present on DPW maps; the
others, also footnoted 3, are not on DPW maps, only
on the co-op's own map,
and are not signed. Other streets and squares in St. Francis Square have
people's surnames (including General Banning Lane) or the names of ships
not named after people. The namesakes of Dickie Square and Samar Lane are
3These streets are signed (whether by the DPW or not) and
appear on some maps, but do not appear in DPW mapping data so may not
have the same official status as the other streets listed. Most of these
names are honorary, meaning that they did not replace the previous names
but augmented them, and are not registered with the U.S. Post Office.
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